Saturday, March 24, 2007

Day 28, March 24, 2007

Nehemiah 10:1-3

There have been times of reading, celebrating, confessing, and practicing the ceremony that powerfully reminded Israel of their roots as sojourners. We too, seek to build similar elements into our life together as a church, and perhaps you do the same in your personal life. However, all of it is of little value unless we follow the example offered here in this chapter. This is the section where Israel purposes to do several things:

  • · they agree to accept the consequences for their sins and those of their family
  • · they promise to maintain their distinction as God’s people by not marrying outside the faith
  • · they declare their intent to observe God’s commandments
  • · Their purpose is to give God offerings (ie, the first fruits from all that God gives them)

T The revelation that God has given them, through the Word, the teaching, and the worship services leads to a response! This, I believe is critical for all of us. In James we’re told that it’s possible to kid ourselves into thinking that we’re growing spiritually because we read the Bible. James, though, says that the real proving ground is in what we do with what we receive. This passage in Nehemiah reveals where the real proving grounds of my responses need to occur. And so I can ask four questions to see if I’m responding well to what God is revealing:

1. Am I able to overcome bitterness and rage regarding suffering in my life, asking that God would grant me the capacity to learn whatever it is that God has to teach me through my suffering? This is a huge topic, worthy of a book, but for now, it’s vital to note that God has an amazing capacity to bring beauty out of any ashes that are in my life, if I’ll learn to walk through the trials with him.

2. Am I willing to stand apart for the sake of maintaining a clear testimony in Christ? This question has been misused over the ages as a means of creating tiny Christian subcultures. That’s not the point. Rather the question is this: Do I need to adopt the same habits with regard to my money, sexuality, relationships, entertainment, attitude towards those in the margins, as the rest of the world, or am I willing to live distinctly. Of course, along the way, I’ll be wise to save the covenant relationship of marriage for someone with similar commitments as my own.

3. Am I becoming a student of the Word so that God’s ethic will continue to shape me, and so that I’ll better be able to participate in the story God is writing in history?

Am I willing to invest in that story in practical ways – offering my time and money to the Lord sacrificially in order that His Life of hope might fill, empower, forgive, and heal more people – to the end that Christ’s kingdom will be seen in increasing measure?

O Lord, there have been many, it seems, through the ages, who have made the mistake of equating hearing your word and participating in the rituals of your community with actually responding to your revelation in life changing ways. Give us eyes to see what it is how you want to respond to what You are revealing. And then grant us the grace to actually do the deed – to respond and step into the life giving stream of obedience where You want us to live. Thank you for what awaits us as we follow you there. In Your Name, Amen


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