Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day 4 – February 24th, 2007

You can’t do anything worthwhile without being mocked, criticized, or ridiculed. Let’s be quick, however, to acknowledge that ridicule, scorn, or difficulty isn’t intended to be viewed as some sort of perverse insurance that, indeed we’re in the will of God. The reality is that we bring a great deal of difficulty upon ourselves in life through poor choices, so it’s vital to reject the kind of ‘group think’ that views all troubles as signs that, indeed God is with us.

God is ‘with us’ in our endeavors, not because we’re having trouble, but because we’re seeking to follow the Lord with a humble heart, having offered ourselves to Him for His purposes to be accomplished through our lives, both individually, as families, and as a church.

Since troubles will come if we’re in the will God AND if we’re outside of it, perhaps the better thing to worry about is whether we’re in the will of God, so that when troubles come, we can point back to markers of assurance that, indeed, God has led us this far. In our case, with respect to new facilities, it would be a stretch to call the provision of talented leaders, just the right amount of neighbor signatures at the last hour, the partnership with Bagley, and the acquisition of an alley from the city, against long odds, as ALL coincidence. Sure, you could call it that. But if someone draws a royal flush four hands in row, you don’t call that coincidence – why then attribute such a string of open doors and provision to the random hand of the universe?

If you’re convinced that new facilities are in God’s plan for Bethany (as I am) then you won’t be surprised at difficulties, delays, and set-backs. Such was the case for Israel here. You’ve wrestled it through and are committed to moving forward. When the machines were chomping houses back in December, I was terrified – not because I think we’re outside God’s will – but because we’re IN it. And I know full well that being in the will of God means trials, which will build into us all those nice things spoken of in James 1, things we need in order to be people of blessing.

Lord of blessing and trials –

As we move into the future that you have for us, both individually and collectively, we ask that you would grant us the grace to receive both blessing and trial. Grant that we would be rooted in the assurance that we’re walking in your will, as well as the humility and wisdom to see when we’re not. And we ask that you would give us all the spirit of endurance and perseverance, without which very little of value will ever happen in our lives. Enable us, by your grace to just keep ‘showing up’ in hospitality, generosity, service, truth telling, praying, loving, forgiving. On this journey, we ask for the grace to take the next step, and the grace to keep asking for such grace day after day. Thank you for what awaits us as we follow you. – Amen

Bring a particular trial before the Lord today, either yours or another’s. Pray that Satan’s purposes in this trial would be resisted and that God’s would be fulfilled.


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