Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 33, March 30, 2007

Malachi 1:1-14

It’s in the details, that our heart is revealed. And by the time Malachi the prophet opens his mouth, he has a lot to say about the details of worship that have degenerated, revealing a degeneration of the heart. Yet, interestingly, when Malachi brings his complaints, the people’s response is consistently incredulity. Malachi says the people have despised God’s name, and defiled God, and the people don’t agree. “We’re worshipping – we’re bringing offerings – we’re giving. Lighten up Malachi.”

Oh but Malachi won’t lighten up. He gives very specific examples of the outward degeneration, and there are two in the passage:

1. The people’s hearts weren’t in their gatherings for worship any more. “How tiresome it is.”

2. The people were bringing less than the best to the table as offerings.

People don’t usually walk away from God in an instant. Rather, it starts with the interior. Nothing has changed outwardly, but my attitude inwardly has changed. Whereas before I was “glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord”, now I view it as nothing more than an obligation or a burden. Before, I brought God the very best – of my presence, my offerings, my attention. Now I’m bringing that which I don’t want anyway.

It looks like worship, sounds like worship, but it’s not worship – because my heart has already left. Malachi’s not talking about whether or not the newness wears off (that happens in everything). But maybe marriage is a good example here. My wife has become very familiar. Nevertheless, I still want and need to make the effort to be fully present with her, and to bless and serve and love her in tangible ways.

It’s that attitude of heart that had disappeared, and when it disappears our relationship with God is headed for trouble.


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