Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Day 36, April 3, 2007

There’s a message here about the reality that when our Lord comes, He brings a judgment. Of course, it was true the first time. There were plenty of people who studied the scriptures regularly, and because of this, both longed for the Messiah, and knew many of the signs of His coming. And yet, the reality was that most of the religious people rejected the Lord because His very life had the effect of exposing the darkness of hearts (even, or perhaps especially, the hearts of religious people). Jesus speaks of this in John 5:39. “Unwilling to come to Me” was His indictment, not against those who didn’t know the scriptures, but against those who did.

The good news in Christ, is that there’s a different kind of life available. Historically, that good news has best been received by those who weren’t very satisfied with their present life. Those who are comfortable often have a hard time when the light of Christ exposes sin, need, and the vulnerability of our humanity. When we refuse to deal with such exposure, we may run and hide in the world or the church, in material frolicking, or spiritual indulgence. But either way, we’re avoiding the purification of the refiner’s fire – and we’re avoiding real contact with Jesus.

“Return to me” Malachi says. And this, of course, is the essence of the gospel. It’s the prodigal running home after coming to his senses, willing to face the consequences of his rebellion and finding instead, to his delight, a loving and forgiving father. But return and confession have always been necessary as the condition for truly entering into the rest and hope that is Life in Christ.

Consuming Fire, reveal our sin, and may the fire of your holiness consume all in our lives that isn’t from you. Of course, in praying this, we don’t know what we’re asking, and if we’re honest, there’s perhaps a bit of fear in our hearts. We want you – but we cling to almost everything that is ‘our life’. Give us the grace to release the fearful grip that some of us have on certain areas of our life, and as we hold on to you, give us assurance that you are with us, shaping and shepherding our hearts to more fully represent you. And we’ll thank you for what awaits us. In Your Name, Amen


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