Monday, April 09, 2007

Day 38, April 5, 2007

Malachi 3:16-18

It’s never been proper for us to try and sort out ‘who’s in’ and ‘who’s out’ when it comes to salvation. Whenever the church has sought to do that, they’ve been forced to define salvation according to some formulaic grid. One must pray a certain prayer, be baptized, show certain outward evidences, sign a doctrinal statement. But all of that, of course, misses the point: God is inviting us to enter into a relationship.

When we come to the New Testament, the notion of invitation to salvation is explained in various ways: There’s a banquet, and we’re invited. Some say yes, some say no. There’s a treasure, and some go after it, selling everything to acquire it, while others, content with life as they know it, continue on their merry way, missing the chance of a lifetime. In every case, it all boils down to this issue: God reveals and invites, and humans respond. We either enter into relationship or we don’t. And then, once we enter relationship, we either nurture or neglect that relationship.

The point of this text isn’t to invite us to assess who’s in and who’s out. Rather, it’s to invite each of us to examine our own hearts and ask the question: Am I creating enough space in my life for me to hear the voice of God? Am I responding positively to what’s being revealed? This salvation thing is ongoing – God is peeling away layers, bringing us into increased levels of purification, moving us towards more generosity, humility, joy, hospitality, truth telling, forgiving and so much more...if we’ll just listen.

And finally, there’s this important word: While we don’t assess who’s in and who’s out, God will. There’s a sorting. The choices I am making right now, at this very moment, are effecting me not just now, but for all eternity. Am I intent on being shaped by Christ, or am I passively letting this fading world shape me as I cling to her trinkets?


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